Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs

Trustee of Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich

Indologist and historian, traveller, writer, photo artist, script-writer, talented organizer and manager, philosopher and scientist-cosmist… All the above is embodied in one person – Ludmila Shaposhnikova, who was entrusted to make a reality the dream of the elder Roerichs – Nicholas and Helena – of a Museion, House of Muses, in their Motherland.

A considerable part of her creative activity Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova (1926–2015) devoted to the research of Indian history and culture as well as development of cultural relations between Russia and India. She is the author of a number of books on India and its people, written in a vivid and fascinating style. Ludmila Shaposhnikova's contribution to the scientific research of India won her the International Award of Jawaharlal Nehru.

In India, Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova had the good fortune to meet and make friends with Svetoslav Roerich, the last of the great Roerichs and a distinguished artist, enlightener, and public figure. The acquaintance decided her fate, since then the main subject of her research became scientific, philosophic, and artistic heritage of the Roerichs.

From 1976 to 1980, LudmilaV. Shaposhnikova undertook the travel on the route of the Roerichs' Central Asian Expedition and covered the greater part of it. The results of this unique travel were summed up in the books «The Master,On the Master's Route», and «The Master's Universe», in which the author reflected the entire image of Nicholas Roerich as a prominent artist, scientist, philosopher, traveler, and public figure.

In 1989, Svetoslav Roerich offered Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova to head the Soviet Roerichs Fondation and build up the Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich in Moscow. In 1990, Svetoslav Roerich appointed her as a person empowered to act for him, and charged her to deliver his parents' priceless heritage to the Motherland.

In 1991, according to Svetoslav Roerich' initiative, the name and the status of the Soviet Foundation of the Roerichs was changed for the International Centre of the Roerichs registered by the Russian Ministry of the Justice.

Owing to Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova's great managerial ability, the unique monument of the Russian architecture of the 17th - 19th centuries The Lopukhin's estate was restored from the ruins. Not a single ruble has been received from the state. Under her direction and active participation the public cultural, educational, and scientific Centre-Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich was establised for an unbelievable short period. The Centre-Museum has turned to be the real precious stone of cultural area of Moscow as well as Russia.

Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova is known not only as a scientist and researcher, expert in cultural studies, and art historian, but also as a profound philosopher. A well-grounded approach in her interpretation of the Living Ethics makes it easier to understand the spiritual principles of Cosmic evolution of humanity and how to put them into practice in daily lives. Her books «Altai - Himalayas» (1987), «The Cosmic Will (1995), «Wisdom of the Ages» (1996), «The Resplendent City. The New PlanetaryWay of Thinking and Russia» (1999), and «The Thorny Path of Beauty» (The Best Book of the Year Award, 2002), have laid the foundation for a new comprehension of the world history and culture. Now these works belong to the most valuable possession of the cultural heritage of Russia as well as the East.

State authorities, Russian and international community highly esteemed the scientific and literary work of Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova, her cultural and public activity, research and popularization of the Roerichs' heritage, as well as her devotion to lofty ideals.

By the edict of the President (No. 1362, November 27, 2002), Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova was awarded the title of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation for the outstanding service in the field of art.

In 2011 Lyudmila V. Shaposhnikova was awarded with the Order of Merit 4th grade for the great contribution in preservation of cultural heritage, and long-term educational and public activity.

Other awards of Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova:

  • The Honorary Sign «The Knight of Science and Arts» (the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

  • The Silver Medal «The 10th Anniversary of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences - 1990 - 2000» (the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences)

  • The award for significant contribution to World Culture project (UNESCO Moscow Office)

  • The Medal «To the Worthy» (the Russian Academy of Fine Arts)

  • «The Academician S.I. Vavilov Medal» for the outstanding contribution to the scientific, enlightenment, historical, cultural, and public activities on the preservation and popularization of the Nicholas Roerich's heritage (the International Humanitarian Fund «Znanie»)

  • «The Tsiolkovski Medal» for the services to Russian cosmonautics (the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics)

  • «The Overcoming» medal (the Association of Cosmonautics Museums)

Ludmila V. Shaposhnikova is co-chairman of the international projects under the aegis of the UNO «The Banner of Peace», «The Bell of Peace», «The Day of the Earth», and «The Flag of the Earth».


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