Extract from the Charter of the International public organization
«International Center of the Roerichs»
1.1. The International public organization “International Center of the Roerichs”, hereinafter referred to as the Center, is a non-governmental public association of citizens and public associations – legal entities incorporated on the basis of their common interests in the cause of study, preservation, and popularization of the Roerich family heritage.
1.2. The Center is the owner, custodian, and executor of the passed over to the Center by S. Roerich, in accordance with the deed of gift, Roerich family legacy.
1.3. The Center is an associated member of the Non-Governmental Organizations Association under the Department of Public Information of the United Nations Organization (UN).
1.4. The Center conducts its activities in the Russian Federation, Republic of Latvia, and other states where the Center Departments, Affiliates, and Representations, registered in compliance with these states law, are established.
1.5. The Center acts proceeding from principles of self-government, absence of compulsion, equality of members, openness, compliance with the law, humanism, and universal human values priority.
1.6. Conducting its activities, the Center proceeds from this Charter, Constitution, and applicable law of the Russian Federation and its subjects, the law of the states in which the Center structural divisions are acting, the UN Charter, norms of the International law and International legal acts related to the Center’s sphere of activity.
1.7. The Center is a legal entity from the date of its state registration, owns and economically operates or manages independent property, can on its own behalf acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, act as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration court, court of referees. The Center has its own independent balance, fixed and current assets, opens current and other accounts in bank institutions, has a seal, forms bearing its name, emblem, and other requisites. The Center symbols are subject to state registration and records according to the procedure established by the Russian Federation Law.
1.8. The Center is liable for all its obligations with all owned by it property which can be the object of claim in compliance with the Russian Federation law.
1.9. The Center shall not be liable for obligations of the state and all or any of his members. The state shall not be liable for the Center’s obligations. The Center members shall not be liable for the Center’s obligations.
1.10. The Center short name in the Russian language is:
Международный Центр–Музей имени Н.К.Рериха.
The Center name in English is:
the full name — International Non-governmental Organisation "The International Centre of the Roerichs";
the short name — "The International Centre-Museum by name of N.K.Roerich".
1.11. The Center Board of Directors is located in Moscow, the Russian Federation.
2.1. The aims of the Center establishment and activities are:
– securing activities and development of the created on Svetoslav Roerich’s initiative Nicholas Roerich Public Museum included in the structure of the Center and constituting the basis thereof;
– preservation and popularization of the Roerichs family heritage passed over to the Center by S. Roerich;
– support of study, preservation, and popularization of the Roerichs family creative heritage which is part of the world culture and has interest and value for all nations populating our planet;
– custody, revelation, collection, study, and publication of museum objects and museum collections;
– support of personality development, comprehension and implementation of high Roerichs’ ideas of humanism and peace, perception and comprehension of universal human cultural values;
– uniting efforts and coordination of organizations and individuals’ activities aimed at the study, preservation, and popularization of the Roerich family unique creative heritage;
– comprehensive development and deepening of International mutual understanding and collaboration, strengthening cultural and scientific relations between peoples and states on the basis of the Roerichs’ humanistic ideas;
– conducting peace-making activities, support of strengthening friendship and accord between peoples, prevention of social, national, religious conflicts, popularization of the “Roerich’s Pact” and “Banner of Peace” ideas.
2.2. The Center settles the following tasks:
– takes organizational and economic measures aimed at preservation of the Roerichs’ legacy, passed over to the Center, and securing successful work of the N. Roerich Museum in Moscow;
– conducts scientific and research activities dedicated to the study of the artistic creative work, philosophic, literary and publicistic works of the Roerich family;
– performs collection and scientific processing of information, creates a bank of data about the Roerich family’s life and creative work, publishes Roerich family’s archive and literary materials, studies about them and their creative work, and studies dedicated to problems of the world culture and art;
– takes part in the study of the Roerich family’s artistic heritage kept in private and state collections, creation of a full catalogue of the Roerich family’s artistic creations;
– holds international conferences, congresses, symposiums, festivals, exhibitions, readings dedicated to the Roerich family’s creative work;
– participates in elaboration and conducting, according to the established procedure, of events regulating import, export, transfer of ownership title for cultural values, first of all – for the Roerich family’s heritage;
– supports organizations concerned in protection of cultural values, preservation and restoration of historical and cultural monuments, development of professional, amateur, and folk artistic creativity and art;
– performs public control over compliance with International Conventions related to protection of cultural and natural heritage, and participates in these Conventions provisions implementation in accordance with the established procedure;
– establishes on the Center’s behalf awards, premiums, medals, other rewards and incentives for distinguished studies related to the Roerich family’s ideas, development of the Roerich subjects, successful realization of the Center’s goals and tasks.