Participation in Press 2008 Exhibition
Press 2008, the XV Anniversary International Professional Exhibition, was held from November 21 to November 24, 2007, in Moscow. This year, the Culture and Time magazine, published by the International Center of the Roerichs, participated in the exhibition for the first time. It was the debut of our magazine on the international arena of the print media.
Exhibition of Aleksey Armand Secrets of the Beauty
On November 20, 2007, the Nicholas Roerich Museum mounted the Secrets of the Beauty exhibition of Aleksey Armand’s works. The exhibition featured about 100 works of the artist: water-color and composite technique landscapes, paintings of philosophic character. Aleksey Armand is Doctor of Geography, an explorer, and pedagogue. Painting is not a hobby for him. It is a natural part of his scientific activities, both research and pedagogical. The artist admits that he was forced to choose water-color just because to long expeditions to the distant corners of the Earth one has to take with oneself the paints that take up little space in one’s backpack. However, this involuntary choice has only benefited the creative life of Aleksey Armand. His water-color landscapes are highly professional, his brushstroke is expressive, colors are clear and bright. Most of his sketches are just as complete as small paintings. Apart from their esthetic value they are also educational: by far much better than any photo, they display the life of Nature in places that no man has laid his hands on yet. Doctor of Geography Aleksey Armand uses his sketches as illustrative supporting material in his lectures that he delivers to very different audiences: school pupils at Natural Study lessons, university students in Geography classes, and to teachers attending refresher courses.
Discover Mexico!
The opening ceremony of the Discover Mexico! exhibition took place at the Nicholas Roerich Museum on November 1, 2007. The magic melody of Вessamo Mucho performed by the violinist Sofia Prittchina and the guitar player Kim Zoloev invited the visitors of the exhibition to plunge into the atmosphere of the far away land of Mexico. In her opening speech, Ludmila Shaposhnikova, Director of the museum, addressed the audience: “You will see the real beauty – the beauty of bright colors, elegant ceramic forms, wonderful historical copies of museum exhibits.” Mexico is a unique and mysterious country that has not yet been fully explored. Ludmila Shaposhnikova noted that Mexico used to be the land of the Mayas and the Aztecs whose ancient cultures were traced in the contemporary life of the country. It happens because the transition of one culture into another is accomplished with the preservation of the original roots. We all know from history that the last civilization of the Aztecs fell under the pressure of the Spanish conquista. Strangers – the Spaniards with their own culture – invaded those lands. There was much drama, but centuries have passed and now in Mexico we see a synthesis of the ancient civilizations and Hispanic culture. And this synthesis is accompanied by a marvelous beauty in art.
International Conference at the ICR
The Scientific and Social International Conference the Living Ethics and Science was held at the International Center of the Roerichs from October 7 to October 10, 2007. The conference was organized by the ICR with the participation of the United Scientific Center for Cosmic Mentality Problems, the International League for the Protection of Culture, the International Association of Peace Foundations, the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the K.E. Tsiolkovsky Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, the Charitable Foundation by name of Helena Roerich with support the UN Information Center in Moscow. Over 400 participants from 22 countries attended the conference, among them 7 academicians, 14 professors, 22 doctors of science, and 40 doctors of philosophy.
Nicholas Roerich’s paintings in Sweden
The Dance Museum in Stockholm houses Nicholas Roerich. From Russia to the Himalayas, the first traveling exhibition of paintings from the stocks of the International Center of the Roerichs (Moscow) that will be open from 28.09.07 to 06.01.08. The exhibition organized by the International Center of the Roerichs, the Dance Museum of Stockholm and the Russian Embassy in Sweden displays 48 works of Nicholas Roerich: 32 sketches from the extensive series of Himalayas and 16 famous paintings of the artist. The paintings were created by Nicholas Roerich in Russia and abroad and reflect different periods of his creative life. Visitors of the exhibition can enjoy Beyond the Seas Are Great Lands, Northern Mountainous Landscape, Scandinavian Saga, The Mountains of Soshing, Bogdo Ula. Mongolia, The Origin of the Indus River, Flying Carpet, and other paintings. Photos and video materials depicting the life of the Roerich family are presented at the exhibition. The exposition is complemented by exhibits of the Dance Museum such as costumes designed by the sketches of Nicholas Roerich for the staging of Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring.
Exposition News of the Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich
The hall of the Central-Asian Expedition at the Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich now glitters with new bright colors. On the shining frieze covering the top part of the walls appears a world of beauty and originality of the East: Buddhist monasteries and mysterious sanctuaries where Mother-Goddess and wise Nagas were worshiped; menhirs and stone sculptures with their mysterious faces turned towards the rising sun; amazing petroglyphic drawing and fascinating dances of Gods… Mongolian Tsam, a painting by Nicholas Roerich recently donated to the Museum and placed in the hall of the Central-Asian Expedition, allows to feel the mystery of the ancient ritual, to see the faces of deities looking down on us from Buddhist thankas.
A Tour of Hearty Relics at the Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich
We invite you to visit our exhibition of ancient Buddhist relics. The collection contains relics of the great Teachers of the past: Buddha Shakjamuni, Ananda, Sariputra, Lama Atisha, Lama Tsongkhapa, Milarepa, Nagarjuna, Lama Yeshe, Ribura Rinpoche and of other outstanding Buddhist masters. The relics themselves are represented as unusual pearl-like crystals that are found in the ashes of great spiritual masters of Buddhism after their cremation.
The International scientific and public conference «Lyudmila V. Shaposhnikova: scientist, thinker, public figure. On the occasion of 90th anniversary of the birth»
From 8 to 11 October, 2016 the non-governmental Museum named after Nicholas Roerich of the International Centre of the Roerichs hosted the International scientific and public conference “Lyudmila V.Shaposhnikova: scientist, thinker, public figure. More ...
25–27 октября 2022 года в Национальном исследовательском Томском государственном университете (НИ ТГУ) прошла XXXII Международная научная конференция «Язык и культура», посвященная 145-летию университета и 60-летию работы в Томском государственном университете доктора педагогических наук, профессора, заслуженного декана университета Светланы Константиновны Гураль.
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