Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs

International Non-Governmental Organization | Special consultative status with UN ECOSOC
Associate member with UN DPI | Institutional member of International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Member of pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage EUROPA NOSTRA | Associate member with INTO

Roerichs' familyRoerichs' evolutionary actionsMuseum named after Nicholas RoerichPublishing activity
Scientific enlightment workProtection of the Roerichs' name and heritageICR: general information


Since April 28, 2017, the Non-Governmental Museum Named after Nicholas Roerich went defunct with the illegal seizure of its building and territory.

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“Splendid Expression” by “WE” and “AAKAR” Art Groups in the IRMT 21.06.2022 “Splendid Expression” by “WE” and “AAKAR” Art Groups in the IRMT

From June 9 to 13 in the Exhibition halls of the International Roerich Memorial Trust there was painting exhibition of two art groups: “WE”, a group of Indian contemporary Women Artists from Chandigarh, headed by Prof. Sadhna Sangar, and “AAKAR” Art Group from Rajasthan, presented by Men Artists, headed by the President Mr Laxmanpal Singh Rathore.

May 18, 2022 – International Museum Day in the Roerichs Estate (Naggar, Kullu, XII, India) 31.05.2022 May 18, 2022 – International Museum Day in the Roerichs Estate (Naggar, Kullu, XII, India)

Mr Ashutosh Garg, the head of Kullu district administration, director of the IRMT, was invited as the Chief Guest to the festival at the International Roerich Memorial Trust. And Mr Ashok Thakur, the lifelong IRMT trustee, was the Guest of Honour. The festival day started with the essay writing competition in which on IRMT invitation the children from the eleven schools of Kullu valley took part. The subject of the competition was “The Power of Museums”, the slogan ascertained for the Museum Day this year.

“Svetoslav Roerich and Devika Rani – Heralds of Beauty.” Spring Russian-Indian Festival of Culture in the Roerichs Estate 14.05.2022 “Svetoslav Roerich and Devika Rani – Heralds of Beauty.” Spring Russian-Indian Festival of Culture in the Roerichs Estate

The traditional Roerich Festival of Culture was held on April 30 – May 1 in the International Roerich Memorial Trust. The main characters of the festival were Svetoslav Roerich, the younger son of Elena and Nicholas Roerich, and Devika Rani, his beautiful Indian wife.

International Scientific and Public Conference «120-th anniversary of George Roerich» 29.04.2022 International Scientific and Public Conference «120-th anniversary of George Roerich»

George Roerich's life and creative path presents us a great scientist who created a new spiritualized science united the wisdom of the East and the empirical achievements of the West. Like his outstanding parents he had synthetic mentality, which made it possible to apply a new methodology in scientific research.

World Heritage Day in International Roerich Memorial Trust 29.04.2022 World Heritage Day in International Roerich Memorial Trust

Once Nicholas Roerich wrote, “Let us keep noble heritage of the past for the glorious future”. These words became the motto for the festival which took place on April 18, which was International Day For Monuments and Sites in the Roerich Himalayan estate. The festival was organized by International Roerich Memorial Trust in cooperation with State Youth Union “Nehru Yuva Kendra” from Kullu city headed by its coordinator Miss Sonia Chandra.

Round Table «L.V.Shaposhnikova about the Living Ethics and Russia». Informational Letter 17.04.2022 Round Table «L.V.Shaposhnikova about the Living Ethics and Russia». Informational Letter

The round table «L.V.Shaposhnikova about the Living Ethics and Russia», dedicated to 96th birthday anniversary of a prominent Russian orientalist, historian, philosopher, writer, science organizer, public figure, will be held on July 26, 2022.

Devika Rani Roerich’s Birthday in the International Roerich Memorial Trust 07.04.2022 Devika Rani Roerich’s Birthday in the International Roerich Memorial Trust

Birthday of Devika Rani, “the first lady” of the Indian sound film, the wife of an outstanding Russia artist Svetoslav Roerich was celebrated on March 30, 2022 in the Roerichs’ Estate.

Spiritual Teacher’s Day in the Roerichs’ Estate 29.03.2022 Spiritual Teacher’s Day in the Roerichs’ Estate

The festive day on March 24, 2022 in International Roerich Memorial Trust started with placing flower garlands on bronze busts of Nicholas and Helena Roerichs installed in front of their House. In this House a great Russian artist and his wife, an outstanding thinker, had lived for about twenty years, since the end of 1928 up to the beginning of 1948.

International Women's Day at the Roerich Estate (Naggar, Kullu, HP, India) 15.03.2022 International Women's Day at the Roerich Estate (Naggar, Kullu, HP, India)

International Women's Day on March 8, 2022 was celebrated at the Roerich Family Memorial estate in Naggar. The event was attended by women from towns and villages of the Kullu Valley, for whom the annual visit to the International Roerich Memorial Trust on Women's Day has become a good tradition.

Christmas in Memorial Roerichs Estate 31.12.2021 Christmas in Memorial Roerichs Estate

Joyful children’s voices marked the day of Christmas 25th December 2021 in Memorial Roerichs Estate. Children of the International Roerich Memorial Trust’s team and kids of Naggar and surrounding villages came running to the IRMT since morning in waiting for the traditional celebration and Christmas gifts. The children were met by Santa Claus or, in Russian tradition, Grandfather Frost. He became the Chief Guest of the exhibition that was opened at that day in the Exhibition Hall of the IRMT.

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