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International Scientific Public Conference “Living Ethics as Creative Impulse for Cosmic Evolution”
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On October 8, 2011 the International Centre of the Roerichs saw the opening of the annual International Scientific Public Conference «Living Ethics as Creative Impulse for Cosmic Evolution».
The Conference was organized by the International Centre of the Roerichs, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, RAS Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology named after S.I.Vavilov, International Association of Peace Foundations, International League for Culture Protection, Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation, and Master-Bank with the support of the UN Information Centre in Moscow.
Press support was provided by “Culture and Time” magazine, “Biblio-Globus” trading house, “Discovery”, “The Museum”, and “Novaya Gazeta”.
L.V. Shaposhnikova, First Vice-President of the International Centre of the Roerichs, Director General of the Museum by name of N.K. Roerich, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Honored Art Worker of Russia, addressed the participants with a greeting speech. She wished all participants success in their work and expressed her hope that the Conference will reveal the most topical aspects of the Living Ethics philosophical system.
Greeting speeches to the Conference delegates were delivered by: Mr Mukul Arya, representative of the Embassy of India in Russia; Academician V.M. Ploskikh, Vice-President of the Kyrgyz National Academy od Sciences, Director of the Institute of World Culture, Head of the History and Cultural Department of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University; Professor A.V. Fedotov, Director of the Centre of Oriental languages and cultures of St. Clement of Okhrid University of Sofia (Bulgaria); Professor S. Bira, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Director of Nicholas Roerich House-Museum in Ulan-Bator; Mr. M.E. Nikolaev, President of the International Public Movement “Eastern Dimension”; Academician V.A. Chereshnev, Chairman of the Committee on Science and Science-intensive Technologies at the State Duma of the Russian Federal Assembly; Mrs. H.G. Drapeko, First Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Culture; Mrs I.H. Ayupova, Acting Minister of Culture of Tatarstan.
Mr. A.A. Zolotov, Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, congratulated the Conference participants on behalf of Z.K. Tsereteli, Presedent of the Russian Academy of Arts.
On behalf of scientific community of Kyrgyzstan academician V.M. Ploskikh announced that L.V. Shaposhnikova was awarded the title honorary Doctor of Kyrgyz-Russian Slavonic University.
On behalf of Prof. I. Ilchev, Rector of the St. Clement of Okhrid University of Sofia, prof. A.V. Fedotov announced that L.V. Shaposhnikova was awarded the title of an honorary Doctor of the St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia.
The morning session of the first Conference day was opened with the report by L.V. Shaposhnikova «Living Ethics as Creative Impulse for Cosmic Evolution». She represented cosmic scale of the basic concepts and components of the Living Ethics doctrine, such as: the Great Laws of Cosmos, Creative Impetus, Spiritual Master, Messenger of Cosmic Evolution, Cosmic Magnet etc. She also spoke about the reliability of the image of the higher worlds in Nicholas Roerich creativity and the prophetic character of his paintings. She paid special attention to H.I. Roerich's role in the great mission for bringing of the fairy impetus of the spiritual space into the human conciousness. Madam Shaposhnikova called for the participants of the Conference to continue their work for the sake of the New Science of the Future, which is now being born from the synthesis of meta- and experimental science.
During the three days of the Conference about 40 reports were delivered by scientists, art-critics, museum workers, and specialists in other fields.
The Conference resulted in adopting the resolution which was approved unanimously by all participants.
The Conference programme was perfectly complemented with classical music concerts with the participation of Anna Syrneva, Mina Zakich, Andrey Baskin, Iakov Katsnelson (piano), Boris Andrianov (cello), and Luka Okrostsvaridze, scholar of the Charitable Foundation by name of Helena Roerich.
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