Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs


The 5th International festival «Russia-India-Tibet»


Within seven days of the Festival «Russia-India-Tibet» Buddhist monks from the largest Tibetan monastery Goman Datsan constructed in the Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich the Mandzhurshi Mandala dedicated to the Deity of Boundless Wisdom. Millions colour marble grains of sand spread in a platform from a narrow metal tube named Chakpur forming an unusual ornament. The Mandala symbolizes the Universe that is Microcosm and Macrocosm placed within the circle. It is considered that people who participate in the process of construction and contemplation of Mandala receive the higher blessing and get rid of many illnesses as well as emotional and psychological problems.

In the end of the Festival participants saw the ceremony of destruction of Mandzhushri Mandala. According to the Tibetan monks' explanations, destruction of Mandala is a symbol of inconstancy of life and liberation of the clear energy concluded in it. It is considered that people, who are attending at the ceremony could be filled with this released energy.

Traditional Ritual of Fiery Pudzha became the key event of the Festival last day. During this ritual the Tibetan Lamas make gifts of twelve substances to not clarified Deity of Fire and to clarified Jamantaka for eliminating obstacles, troubles, illnesses and for granting well-being to the participants of the ceremony.

The people who came this day to the Museum by name of Nicholas Roerich could observe ritual actions of Tibetan Lamas and thank them for organization of the Festival. The International Festival «Russia-India-Tibet» introduced the participants with traditions and philosophical heritage of Tibet, and gave them opportunity to track the historical links between Russia, India and Tibet which have been existing throughout many centuries.

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