The Banner of Peace will be annually raised up in Argentina during the celebration of the International Day of Peace
On November 28, 2012 the law about annual celebration of the International Day of Peace on September 21 was adopted in Argentina. This day the Banner of Peace will be raised over all governmental and non-governmental institutions of culture. Lessons dedicated to the problem of peace preservation and special events in the framework of celebration of the International Day of Peace will be included into curriculum of schools and universities. The law was published and came into effect on January 4, 2013.
The law was accepted as the result of accesion to the two resolutions of the UNO Assembley General. September 21 was declared by the UNO as the International Day of Peace. This date was declared as “the International Day of Peace and Global Ceasefire”. On this day the UNO calls for implementation of 'educational initiatives to promote the public opinion”.
On April 15, 1935 the Republic of Argentina and other countries of Latin America signed the Roerich Pact – the first international treaty for the protection of artistic and scientific institutions and historical monuments that was assumed later as the basis for the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property.
The Banner of Peace designed by Nicholas Roerich as the distinctive mark of the Roerich Pact is the symbol of the protection of cultural and educational heritage of the mankind. In accordance with the Roerich Pact this symbol should be used to mark historical monuments, museums, as well as scientific, artistic, educational, and cultural institutions both in time of war and in peace.
1. Official text of the Law about the celebration of the International Day of Peace in Argentina (Spanish, Russian)
2. The Clarin newspaper (one of the biggest daily newspapers in Argentina) January 4, 2013 (Spanish, Russian)