Opening of the international exhibition project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” in Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The solemn opening ceremony of the international exhibition project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” was held in the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan on April 11, 2014. The organizers of the exhibition: the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, the International Centre of the Roerichs, the International Roerichs’ Heritage Preservation Committee, the Nicholas Roerich Cultural Centre (Almaty), the Foundation for support of culture and ecology “The Asian Heart” (Almaty). The participants of the exhibition opening were the first deputy director of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan Mr. Beibitkali S. Kakabaev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, executive director of the International Roerichs’ Heritage Preservation Committee Mr. Mikhail A. Konarovsky, Deputy Head of the United Scientific Center for Cosmic Thinking Problems of the ICR, Candidate of Philosophy, Candidate of pedagogic sciences Mr. Anatoly A. Lebedenko, Chairperson of the Nicholas Roerich Cultureal Centre (Almaty) Mrs. Lyudmila I. Gluschenko.
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Mr. Mikhail Konarovsky and Mr. Anatoly Lebedenko donated the Banner of Peace to the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan during the inauguration of the exhibition “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity”.
The exhibition was followed by the round table “Culture and society: development trends” which took place in the lecture hall of the Central State Museum. The issues were carried over for consideration as follows: conception of culture in Nicholas Roerich’s heritage, role of culture in the modern society, ways of their cooperation and development. Mr. Anatoly Lebedenko presented a paper “The conception of culture by Nicholas Roerich”. Mr. Mikhail Konarovsky gave a report on “The significance of culture in a modern world”. The academic secretary of the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Philosophy Mrs. G.T.Sadykova spoke about the Museum’s role in preservation of cultural heritage of the Republic. The ethnographer of Kazakh Research Institute of Culture Mr. E.G.Orazbekov told the audience about the dialogue of cultures in Central Asian region. The Assistant of the Exhibition Department Mr. D.Yu. Revyakin finished the Round table discussions with a speech “The Roerichs heritage as a link between Russia and Asia”. The resolution was adopted in conclusion of the programme.
The exhibition will prolong until 11-14 of April 2014. The exposition includes 7sections - «Introduction», «Origin of the Pact”, “History of the Roerich Pact”, «Trinity sign over the course of history and culture”, «Relevance of the Roerich Pact ideas”, “Let us preserve the living culture”, “Activity of the International Centre of the Roerichs”.
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“Introduction” presents the Banner of Peace, the Roerich Pact in Russian, Kazakh and English, the portrait photograph of Nicholas Roerich.
Artifacts of the “Origin of the Pact” highlight the activity of Nicholas Roerich in the early 20th century aimed at preservation of cultural monuments in the time of war and peace.
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“History of the Roerich Pact” introduces the history of preparation and signing of the Roerich Pact.
The exposition of “Trinity sign over the course of history and culture” reflects the history of one of the most ancient symbols of humanity, Banner of Peace.
«Relevance of the Roerich Pact ideas” is about the catastrophic destruction of cultural monuments during the World War II and their demolition nowadays (in Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan etc).
“Let us preserve the living culture” illustrate the most important monuments of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, which are the objects of UNESCO cultural heritage.
The last section “Activity of the International Centre of the Roerichs” is dedicated to the 23-year activity of the ICR on preservation of the Roerichs heritage and popularization of the ideas of the Roerich Pact. It also tells about the donation of Banner of Peace which performed a space flight on orbital station Mir to the President of Kazakhstan Mr. Nursultan A. Nazarbayev. (
On the occasion of the exhibition the Nicholas Roerich Cultural Centre (Almaty) prepared the ambitious cultural programme ( and published the exhibition brochure in Kazakh and English.