Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs


International exhibition project “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” in Finland

In the last decade of November a regular stage of the exhibition project “Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” concluded in the Art Kaarisilta gallery in Helsinki, Finland with positive results. The exhibition was continuing its work from 17 to 22 November 2015.

The exhibition opening was launched on the tunes of “Alla Marcia” from “Karelia suite”, beautiful work by Finnish composer Yan Sibelius, whose 150th anniversary of the birth has been celebrated in the whole world. Then guests of the exhibition saw the astonishing and profound film, translated to Finnish “The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture" produced by the International Centre of the Roerichs in Moscow. 

E. Kramp - the research worker of the Development Department of the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich (left), Paula Liimatta - Chairman of the Association of Humane Pedagogics in Finland (right).
E. Kramp - the research worker of the Development Department
of the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich (left),
Paula Liimatta - Chairman of the Association
of Humane Pedagogics in Finland (right).

Both domestic and foreign guests attended the solemn opening of the exhibition. Welcome note of the ICR Vice-President A.V. Stetsenko was read out by the research worker of the Development Department of the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich E. Kramp. In this greeting Alexander V. Stetsenko underscored that general public should play a crucial role in preservation of culture and peace on the earth according to Nicholas Roerich <...>.

Representative of the Finnish exhibition coorganizer, chairman of the “Association of humane pedagogics in Finland” Ms. Paula Liimatta in her address to the guests noted: this year there is a particularly strong spirit of Nicholas Roerich in the country. At the beginning of the year a joint exhibition of two friends and artists – Akseli Gallen-Kallela and Nicholas Roerich took place in the Gallen-Kallela Museum where the original paintings of the Great Russian Master were presented, and at the end of the year we opened the International exhibition project dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Roerich Pact.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Finland A.Y. Rumyantev also sent his welcome speech for the grand opening of the exhibition. He expressed his pleasure about this exhibition displayed in Finland as a part of the international project.

Greetings from Roerich organizations including the International Council of Roerich Organizations named after Svetoslav Roerich represented by its chairman O.A. Urozhenko were received. 

Helena Aleksandrova - Chairman
of the Estonian Roerich Society (left)

Chairman of the Estonian Roerich Society Helena Aleksandrova stressed out the essential role of Culture.

President of the Austrian Roerich Society Ms. Leylya Strobl emphasized the educational importance of the Roerich Pact.

Head of the Artemovsk Roerich Society (Ukraine) Viktoria Bak underscored the unifying strength of Culture.

Chairman of the National Roerich Society in Bulgaria Ms. Marga Koutsarova highlighted the necessity of enlightenment of mind trough Culture.

Chairman of the Board of German Roerich Society Ms. Galina Schneider noted that “creative potential of the Roerich Pact has not been exhausted yet”.

There were also greetings from the most geographically distant places – Vladivostok and Tashkent.

Chairman of the Council of Vladivostok Roerich Society Zh.A. Gaidukova, head of the Vladivostok Nicholas Roerich public library L.E. Petrova and head of the non-governmental organization “Altair” (Lesozavodsk city) told in their welcome speeches that “Nicholas Roerich was the first to show a path to peace to the humanity”.

Chairman of the Tashkent Roerich Society N.R. Monasypova expressed a very important idea that “Holding of the exhibition “The Roerich Pact. History and Modernity” enhances the global community of countries united by humane ideas of the Roerichs”.

Also there was a musical greeting performed by Yan Oi, a member of the Estonian Roerich Society who sung the aria of “Fedora” opera.

Despite the six-day project duration it generated great interest of residents and guests of the country.

It is also noteworthy to mention that the Project is highly needed throughout the world.

We are absolutely committed to further popularization of the Roerich Pact ideas in Scandinavia. There exist good prerequisites as the Exhibition is created by us in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English.

For us, the Association of Humane Pedagogics, the feedback of visitors is the highest award on the one hand and obliges to continue working in this field with triple force on another hand.

Chairman of the Association of Humane Pedagogics in Finland
Paula Liimatta

Deputy Chairman Juri Liimatta.

Vantaa. Finland. European Union. 

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