Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs


This is the Museum that Russia has lost

The opening of a virtual tour of the non-governmental Nicholas Roerich Museum
is dedicated to the Day of Memory of the great Russian artist Nicholas Roerich

To visit the virtual tour please click here:


Nicholas Roerich finished his earthly course on December 13, 1947 in India, in the Kulu Valley. “There is a lot to say about this true Ascetic on the field of Great Culture,” Helena Roerich wrote about Nicholas Roerich in 1949. “I can say with confidence that there was no one except our Beloved and Bright Ruler about whom was written so much and so beautifully during his lifetime. But still the diversity of his creativity and the beauty of his whole inner being remains inexhaustible.

The richest heritage of the great Russian artist, in whose works Art and Science miraculously combined, was first presented most fully in the exposition of the non-governmental Nicholas Roerich Museum created by Lyudmila Shaposhnikova on the initiative of Svetoslav Roerich, the youngest son of Nicholas and Helena Roerich. Over 26 years of its existence the Museum has become a real “Roerich Power”. It was a source of enlightenment for its contemporaries, truthfully and fully telling about life and work of the great family, about the Living Ethics Teaching, that of the Philosophy of Cosmic Reality, which was the basis of the work of all the Roerichs.

The exposition of the Museum was ruthlessly destroyed in 2017. Those who according to their posts were obliged to protect the Museum and support it, those of the Minister of Culture Medinsky with his deputies and the leadership of the State Museum of Oriental Art, became its destroyers. It was they who destroyed and devastated the “Roerich Power”, wishing to completely erase from public memory the Museum created by people.

In 2019 we will celebrate the 145th anniversary of the great artist’s birth. The International Center of the Roerichs (ICR) prepares to celebrate this date by the creation of the non-governmental Nicholas Roerich Virtual Museum. The museum will remain faithful to the traditions of openness and accessibility and the Roerichs' heritage will be presented in all its richness and diversity.

Today, on the Day of Memory of Nicholas Roerich, the ICR is presenting the first stage of the Virtual Museum to the attention of the Roerichs’ admirers, that of the virtual tour of the museum exhibition that was before its barbarous destruction, and a chronicle of the capture and destruction of the non-governmental Museum.

“The destruction of the Museum means the destruction of the country,” Nicholas Roerich wrote, deeply believing in the high purpose of museums and their leading role in culture preserving and developing. The purpose of the virtual Museum creating is not only to keep in mind the non-governmental Museum with its beautiful exposition, but also to express confidence that one day the non-governmental Nicholas Roerich Museum will revive in order to open its doors to everyone who wants to join the wonderful world of the Roerichs, our outstanding compatriots, who worked for Russia and believed in its great future.

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