Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs


Round Table «L.V.Shaposhnikova about the Living Ethics and Russia». Informational Letter


The round table «L.V.Shaposhnikova about the Living Ethics and Russia», dedicated to 96th birthday anniversary of a prominent Russian orientalist, historian, philosopher, writer, science organizer, public figure, will be held on July 30, 2022.

Organizer: The International Centre of the Roerichs (ICR).

Coorganizers: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian cosmism group of Russian philosophical society, Soviet foundation of Peace, International Committee for preservation of the Roerichs’ heritage, Charitable Foundation by name of Helena Roerich, International council of Roerich organizations named after Svetoslav Roerich.

Information partners: Culture and Time journal, Sodruzhestvo newspaper, Interregional information and analytical Center.

The Round table discussion includes issues related to the creative heritage of L.V.Shaposhnikova. About half a century she devoted to research, popularization and preservation of the versatile heritage of the Roerichs. The main subject of her scientific interest was the philosophical system of the Living Ethics, which ideas permeate all the Roerichs creative work, their broad public activity. The fundamental provisions of the Living Ethics carry a new system of cognition and new scientific methodology of research, give understanding of the cosmic laws determined the evolutionary process, consider a man as a part of the system of the universe and define his goal and objectives on the path of cosmic evolution. L.V.Shaposhnikova reflected this knowledge in numerous works, articles and monographs. As a confidant of S.N.Roerich she was a director general of the non-government Museum named after N.K.Roerich for more than a quarter of a century. The museum was created according to S.N.Roerich concept, where the ideas of the Living Ethics were reflected in the exposition and contributed to the formation of cosmic mentality in modern Russia. Russia, its past, present and future, has a special significance in the creative heritage of L.V.Shaposhnikova. Russia located in the heart of Eurasia combines two cultural spaces – East and West. This union of cultural worlds different in worldviews, character, mentality endows Russia with unique energy. It encourages continuous spiritual guest, self-sacrifice, cultural renewal, which determines human aspiration toward infinite cognition, tireless search for truth and beauty. Anticipating the special evolutionary role of Russia, L.V.Shaposhnikova wrote: «Now Russia is a huge field of struggle between the old and the new. This is its world and even cosmic significance».

We invite researches in the fields of philosophy of cosmism, philosophy of the Living Ethics, creative work of the Roerichs family and L.V.Shaposhnikova. The program of the round table involves videos with the participation of L.V.Shaposhnikova, addresses by scholars, workers of culture, postgraduate students, students, public figures.

Applications and abstracts (1–1,5 pages, font 14, line spacing 1,5), please, send till July 15, 2022 to Irina Diachenko ( and Alla Klementieva ( Time limit of speeches – 15 minutes.

The organizing committee reserves the right to select application according to the subject and level of scientific development of applied themes. The round table will be held online (zoom). Live stream will be on the International Centre of the Roerichs Youtube channel. More information you can find on the ICR website.

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