The German Roerich Society presents the video “Banner of Peace – Red Cross of Culture”
The German Roerich Society presents the video “Banner of Peace – Red Cross of Culture” This film takes us back to the 20th century and reminds us of important historical events. The year 2022 marks the 90th anniversary of the Second International Conference in Support of the Roerich Pact, which was held in Bruges, Belgium, 7–9 August 1932.
Addressing the participants of the conference, Nicholas Roerich pointed out that the Pact for the Protection of Cultural Treasures is needed not only as an official legal Treaty, but as an educational Law that would educate the younger generation from their first school days in respect for the true values of all humanity. The most important decision of the Second International Conference was an appeal to all countries to recognise the Roerich Pact as an international document.
The Roerich Pact has launched the greatest cultural movement of our time to protect the cultural heritage of all peoples. It was public, civic initiative that gave a powerful impetus to the understanding of the importance of protecting cultural heritage and contributed to the signing of the first international treaty, the Roerich Pact, on 15 April 1935. The 1932 Bruges Conference was described by Nicholas Roerich as “a true historical monument”. He who does not remember the past cannot think of the future!
Nicholas Roerich worked selflessly in the name of Culture, and his name will remain in the history of humanity as that of a man who “did more for the defence and development of art and culture and the achievement of permanent peace than anyone else, whether now or in the past” (excerpt from an article in London’s magazine “Around the World”)
The anniversary video has been produced in three languages – German, Russian and English – for a broad range of viewers, for all those who respect and seek to preserve their country’s culture and that of all other countries and peoples. In its very essence, Culture is an international language, a bridge to friendship, a key that opens our hearts.
German Roerich Society