Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs

International Non-Governmental Organization | Special consultative status with UN ECOSOC
Associate member with UN DPI | Institutional member of International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Member of pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage EUROPA NOSTRA | Associate member with INTO

Roerichs' familyRoerichs' evolutionary actionsMuseum named after Nicholas RoerichPublishing activity
Scientific enlightment workProtection of the Roerichs' name and heritageICR: general information

International conferencies:Kailas – Tibet:|Exhibition work|Publications on cosmic thinking
The Roerichs Heritage: 2016|2015|2012|2011|2010|2009|2008|2007|2006|2005|2004|2003|2002|
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Speech by V.G. Sokolov
at the Round Table of the 1st conference 
“The Kailas phenomenon and its role in the evolution of man” (April 2014)

V.G. Sokolov, PhD, Senior Fellow of the United Scientific Centre for cosmic thinking problems, ICR:

“The conference has been held, and that is the main. This is the first conference, probably the first in the world. The important thing is that we are now laying a magnet for future work on scientific study of Kailas. 

The Kailas phenomenon requires a certain methodology. In this regard, it should be noted that the reports made at the conference indicated two directions. The first one is meta-scientific: comprehension of the phenomenon through the inner, spiritual space of man; it is a very ancient way of knowing. The second direction is empirical, it was only shaped in the reports of the conference, and this is important. Actually, I must say that the empirical direction must necessarily be represented. Finally, the study of the Kailas phenomenon can advance in only one way, and this way is a synthesis of empirical science and meta-science. A skew to any single direction does not give effective results. It is no accident that the first conference on the study of the region of Mount Kailas was held at the International Centre of the Roerichs where a new system of knowledge as synthesis of empirical science and meta-science is actually developing. This new system of knowledge is one of the important characteristics of the philosophical system of the Living Ethics that is being studied scientifically in our Centre-Museum. 

When we say 'the Kailas phenomenon', we must remember that this phenomenon currently requires not only the method of describing what was seen, not only gradation of inner feelings of a witness, not just retelling of prevailing in those sacred places legends, or gathering information on mythological subjects, but also the phenomenon of Kailas sets before us the task of scientific research of why this area is so unique. We are talking about the historical studies, the physical, biochemical, geological and geophysical explorations, etc. 

I would like to express the hope that this conference would be regular. Given that this year, the expeditionary plan of the Research Group of the Kailas phenomenon includes the Tibetan part of the famous Central-Asian expedition of the Roerichs, it is crucial that at the next conference we would hear reports dedicated to the study of the area through which that route passed in the 20s of the last century. The expedition of Nicholas Roerich made there some very significant scientific discoveries.

I wish a regular and fruitful work in the future!”