Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs

      Resolution of the International Scientific and Public Conference

"George Roerich 110th Birth Anniversary"

The International Scientific and Public Conference “George Roerich 110th Birth Anniversary” was held in the International Centre of the Roerichs on October 8-11, 2012.

The Conference was organized by the International Centre of the Roerichs. Co-organizers of the event were Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky; RAS Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology named after S.I.Vavilov; International Association of Peace Foundations; International League for Culture Protection; Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation; and Master-Bank. The informational support of the Conference was provided by the UN Information Centre in Moscow; Trade House "Biblio-Globus"; New Paper; as well as by magazines "Culture and Time", "Asia and Africa", "The Museum".

Mr. Boiko Vasilev Kotsev, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Bulgaria in Russia; academician V.M. Ploskih, Vice-president of the Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Sciences; Mrs. Madumita Bhagat, Director of the Indian Cultural Center named after J. Nehru addressed the participants with greetings.

More than 40 greeting letters were received by the organizing committee of the Conference from honorary scientists, politicians and activists of culture including greetings from Mr. S.V. Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia; academician V.A. Chereshnev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Technology; Mr. O.L. Kuznetsov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Mrs. E.G. Drapeko, Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Culture; Mr A.M. Sibagatullin, Minister of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan; Mrs. E.V. Mitrofanova, Permanent delegate of Russia in UNESCO; Mr. C.M. Mironov, head of "Spravedlivaya Russia" party; Mr. M.E Nikolaev, President of the international iublic movement "Eastern Dimension".

More than 400 participants from 20 countries attended the event including 7 academicians, 12 doctors of sciences, 38 candidates of sciences. Among delegates of the Conference were representatives of many regions of Russia, scientists and cultural figures from Austria, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Germany, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Estonia, Czech Republic, and Estonia.

An exhibition of paintings by Nicholas Roerich from private collections (paintings and drawings) was inaugurated on October 8 in the exhibition halls of the Museum as a part of the cultural program of the Conference.

Papers at the Conference were presented by: Prof. Lokesh Chandra, Director of the International Academy of Indian culture, Doctor of Philosophy (India); Prof. E.P. Chelyshev, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences; Prof. V.M. Ploskih, Vice-President of the Kyrgiz Republic National Academy of Sciences; Prof. Pramila Sharma, Doctor of Philology (India); Prof. Y.A. Shabanova, Doctor of Philosophy (Ukraine); Prof. A.V. Fedotov, Doctor of Philology (Bulgaria); Prof. A.V. Ivanov, Doctor of Philosophy (Barnaul); Mr. S.V. Skorodumov, Chairman of the Yaroslavl Roerich Society “Orion”, and others.

George Roerich is renowned in the world as an outstanding orientalist whose contribution to the science will be completely realized in the future. In 1947 Nicholas Roerich wrote about G.N. Roerich the following: “Yury is a specialist in India, Sanskrit, Tibet, and Mongolia studies, who not only deeply studied the sourses, but speaks different languages. It is an all-time combination which is so necessary under increasing of Asia importance”. Being a member of the great family George Roerich conducted all of his scientific researches guided by a sense of cosmic perception. In view of this approach he wrote such books as “The Animal Style among the nomad tribes of Northern Tibet”, "Tibetan Art”, “The History of Middle Asia” (3 volumes) and many others.

George Roerich was a pioneer in the science. After moving to the USSR in 1957 he lead the sector of philosophy and history of Indian religions in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He founded a national school of Tibetan studies, formed a basis for the studies of nomad tribes culture, prepared for publication voluminous Tibetan-Russian-English Dictionary with Sanskrit equivalents, and managed to resume the famous series «Biblioteca Buddhica», founded in 1887 by the outstanding Russian orientalist S.F. Oldenburg. He was also a publisher and science editor of the book by A.I. Vostrikov “Tibetan historical literature” and basic Buddhist treatise “Dhammapada” (the collection of Buddha's memorable sayings).

George Roerich used the universal approach to study different cultures. While studying the animal style in the ancient art of Asia he discovered that this form of art is of a universal character because it is common for cultures of many regions of the world from Central Asia to Scandinavia. This attitude allows George Roerich not only comprehend peculiarities of different cultures and to find their common features but to understand the place of each culture in the process of the human evolution. This universal approach to the study of culture helped George Roerich and other members of the Roerich family to develop the idea of culture as a cosmic phenomenon which plays a leading role in the evolutionary development of the mankind.

Together with his parents Helena and Nicholas Roerichs George Roerich was actively engaged in scientific researches during the Central-Asian expedition. Under the guidance of Nicholas Roerich he took part in the Manchurian expedition, and worked as a director of the Urusvati Himalayan Research Institute for more than ten years. All members of the Roerich family contributed to the complex activity of the Institute. Taking active part in all scientific projects of the great family George Roerich laid down the foundations of the new spiritualized science. Nowadays those scientists who are following the path intended by him make new discoveries that confirm the ideas of our illustrious compatriot. An example of this is the research in the field of underwater archeology under direction of Prof. V.M. Ploskih, Vice-President of the Kyrgiz Republic National Academy of Sciences, at Issyk-Kul Lake where studies on Nomad tribes culture are being conducted for many years. Therefore George Roerich's ideas and discoveries stimulate development of oriental studies and scientific cognition in the field of cosmic perception being one of the factors to form the new spiritualized science.

The Conference resolves:

1. To address the ICR and to the International Information and Analytical Centre (S.V. Skorodumov) with request to place materials on Dr. George Roerich biography and oeuvre in the ICR website and in the Culture and Time magazine.

2. To address the International Centre of the Roerichs with request to render support to the scientific and cultural community in perpetuating memory of Dr. George Roerich in Russia (Okulovka) and other countries (Mongolia).

3. To recommend the ICR to constitute within it's structure Urusvati department in order to revive in cooperation with Indian scientists the Institute of Himalayan Researches in India (Naggar, Kullu), which was envisaged by the Roerichs for development of the new spiritualized science.

4. To support the initiative on establishing of a society “Friends of the Museum named after Nicholas Roerich”. To recommend the initiative group under the guidance of Mr. A.A. Rosendent, musician, scholar of the Charitable Foundation by name of Helena Roerich, to conduct all the necessary work for convening of the meeting of founders.

5. To recommend the participants of the Conference to effectively protect the name and the heritage of the Roerichs in Russia, USA and other countries by placing this Resolution on the ICR website and dispatching it to leading scientific centres of Russia.

6. To express a decisive protest against Russian authorities connivance which resulted in the plundering of George Roerich's apartment in Moscow where a large part of the Roerichs' heritage was stored.

7. To express a protest against the press campaign directed to discrediting of the name of Mr. Boris I. Bulochnik, one of the most renowned Russian Maecenases, and to call everybody who appreciates Russian culture to stand firmly for his defense since revival of Russian culture is impossible without true sponsorship.


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