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Publications on cosmic thinking
L. Shaposhnokiva. The Philosophy of Cosmic Reality. Leaves of Morya’s Garden. Book 1: The Call. 1924. 2nd edition. Мoscow: ICR; Master-Bank, 2003.
L. Shaposhnikova. The Living Ethics and scientific thinking. Utrenniaya Zvezda [Morning Star]. 1997. No. 2/3. 156-173.
L. Shaposhnikova. The fiery creative work of cosmic evolution. Published: H. Roerich. On the Threshold of the New World. – Moscow: ICR, 2000. 5-40. (Big Roerich Library).
L. Shaposhnikova. Science and the Living Ethics. The Roerich Readings: Materials of the Public and Scientific Conference. 1997. – М., 1999. – P. 18-30.
L. Shaposhnikova . The light of the morning star
V. Sokolov. The message of the real cosmos // Russian Cosmists of 19th – 21st centuries: pictorial art, graphics, sculpture. Exhibition catalogue / Compiled: N. Cherkashina. Introduction: V. Sokolov. – Moscow: International Centre of the Roerichs, Master-Bank, 2013. – 196 p. with illustrations. Pp. 5 – 11.
V. Sokolov. The Concept of the Historical Process by Ludmila Shaposhnikova and the New Cosmic Mentality