Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs

International Non-Governmental Organization | Special consultative status with UN ECOSOC
Associate member with UN DPI | Institutional member of International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Member of pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage EUROPA NOSTRA | Associate member with INTO

Roerichs' familyRoerichs' evolutionary actionsMuseum named after Nicholas RoerichPublishing activity
Scientific enlightment workProtection of the Roerichs' name and heritageICR: general information


Since April 28, 2017, the Non-Governmental Museum Named after Nicholas Roerich went defunct with the illegal seizure of its building and territory.

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01.02.2010 Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Banner of Peace and the Roerich Pact

Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Banner of Peace and the Roerich PactIn 2010 many people all over the world will celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Banner of Peace and the Roerich Pact.
In Mexico thanks to the efforts of many collaborators and first of all the General coordinator of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace madam Pilar Gallego, the festive events have already started. Her enthusiasm made it possible to realize the idea of a memorial exhibition.

26.11.2009 Three Keys by Helena Roerich Published in Ukrainian

Three Keys by Helena Roerich
As a result of a joint work between the Roerichs International Centre and its Ukrainian branch, the International public organization Ukrainian Roerich Society, the Three Keys by Helena Roerich has been published in Russian and Ukrainian. The book which is addressed to young people was published to celebrate the 130th Birth Anniversary of Helena Roerich, a gifted teacher and educator.

23.11.2009 Leaves of Moray’s Garden I Published in Ukrainian

Leaves of Moray’s Garden I
As a result of a joint work between the Roerichs International Centre and its Ukrainian branch the International public organization Ukrainian Roerich Society the first of the Living Ethics books Leaves of Moray’s Garden I (The Call) has been published in Ukrainian. At the conference dedicated to the 130th Anniversary of Helena Roerich’s birth the head of the Ukrainian branch of the Roerichs International Centre Vladimir Kozar presented the Centre with the pilot copies of the edition and expressed his profound gratitude to Ludmila Shaposhnikova, the head of the Roerichs International Centre and Director General of the Nicholas Roerich Museum.

17.11.2009 India Through Children’s Eyes

On November 13, the Indian embassy saw an opening ceremony of the exhibition of children’s drawings that were selected following the results of a drawing contest held this April in the Penza Region, 650 km south-east of Moscow. The committee received more than 300 children’s drawings depicting a faraway and mysterious country. In an effort to express their own vision of a fabulous outland and great ancient Oriental culture young artists used bright colours and unusual materials.

16.11.2009 ‘We Are All From the Star Depth…’

Russia now sees a new art trend which reflects a cosmic mental outlook. The works of artists, musicians and poets convey the images of the spiritual Cosmos, the Infinity, the other worlds with different substance states, correlation between a human being and the cosmos. ‘We are all from the star depth…’ was the name of the programme presented to the audience on November 12 as a part of creative evenings held by the Museum.

09.11.2009 Seminar Held in United Scientific Centre for Cosmic Mentality Problems

A seminar held in the United Scientific Centre for Cosmic Mentality Problems as a part of a panel Children of New Consciousness was devoted to the hypothesis The World of Pulsating Universes by Andrei Hlopin, 13. The same day Andrei was awarded a fellowship certificate of the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation.

02.11.2009 Jonathan Kimelfeld Wins Young Journalist Competition

An awarding ceremony of the 7th Moscow open competition for young journalists A Step to Success was held in a big conference hall of the Moscow Government on October 27, 2009. The Grand Prix in the nomination Why Does the Mirror of the Soul Pale? was awarded to Jonathan Kimelfeld, a fellow of the Helena Roerich Charitable Foundation, for his story The Destruction Road. On the ceremony Kimelfeld received the Order of Young talent of Russia – the Charoite star, the highest public award of the Russian Herald’s College. We sincerely congratulate Jonathan on just rewards!

01.11.2009 Conference on Central Asian Expedition Held in Bulgaria

A scientific public conference dedicated to the Central Asian Expedition of Nicolas Roerich (1923-1928) was held in the Centre of Oriental languages and cultures of St. Clement of Ohrid University of Sofia (Bulgaria) on October 23 in the presence of representatives of Sophia University, Specialized High School of library and information science, the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Bulgarian department of the Roerichs International Centre and other organizations. The main conference subject was the history and the results of one of the most important expeditions ever undertaken in Central Asia on the territory of India, China and Tibet. As a part of a conference the representatives of the Bulgarian department of the Roerichs International Centre read aloud a report The Earth Route of Cosmic Evolution by Ludmila Shaposhnikova.

30.10.2009 Musical Painting Without Frame

Sacred Signs, an evening of literature and music, held in the Nicolas Roerich Museum on October 29 revealed that not only connoisseurs of the Roerich’s cultural heritage but also those who have little knowledge of Roerich’s literary and philosophical works can understand in a new way a palette of an outstanding artist in the unity of poetry and music.

14.10.2009 Leaves of Moray’s Garden I Published in Spanish

Leaves of Moray’s GardenThe first volume of the book Leaves of Moray’s Garden (The Call) has been published in Spanish.

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