Inetrnational Centre of the Roerichs

International Non-Governmental Organization | Special consultative status with UN ECOSOC
Associate member with UN DPI | Institutional member of International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Member of pan-European Federation for Cultural Heritage EUROPA NOSTRA | Associate member with INTO

Roerichs' familyRoerichs' evolutionary actionsMuseum named after Nicholas RoerichPublishing activity
Scientific enlightment workProtection of the Roerichs' name and heritageICR: general information


Since April 28, 2017, the Non-Governmental Museum Named after Nicholas Roerich went defunct with the illegal seizure of its building and territory.

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The International Center of the Roerichs supported by international non-governmental organizations and well-known cultural figures requested of UNESCO to preserve the cultural heritage of Karabakh 30.11.2020 The International Center of the Roerichs supported by international non-governmental organizations and well-known cultural figures requested of UNESCO to preserve the cultural heritage of Karabakh

We are confident that the effective work on the protection of cultural heritage sites and their personnel, the ensuring of the preservation of their activity and of the access of the population to them could provide the most important basis for resuming dialogue and building future good-neighbourly relations of all the parties in Nagorno Karabakh, and thus it could best serve the cause of peace and cooperation.

International Scientific Conference (online) “THE ROERICH FAMILY HERITAGE: BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND RUSSIA. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics”. Programme 26.11.2020 International Scientific Conference (online) “THE ROERICH FAMILY HERITAGE: BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND RUSSIA. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics”. Programme

International Scientific Conference (online) “THE ROERICH FAMILY HERITAGE: BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND RUSSIA. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics” will be held on November 27, 2020.

Dedicated to the Blessed Memory of Tsering Dorje… 19.11.2020 Dedicated to the Blessed Memory of Tsering Dorje…

Honorable Tsering Dorje passed away… He was an outstanding researcher — Orientalist, Tibet and Buddhist scholar, linguist, good friend of International Roerich Memorial Trust in Naggar and International Centre of the Roerichs in Moscow. He was a man of clear mind and tremendous affectionate heart.

The Governor of Himachal Pradesh (India) visited the International Roerich Memorial Trust 15.11.2020 The Governor of Himachal Pradesh (India) visited the International Roerich Memorial Trust

9th of November 2020 His Excellency The Honorable Governor of Himachal Pradesh Mr. Bandaru Dattatreya escorted by Deputy Commissioner of District Kullu – cum – Director of the IRMT Dr. Richa Verma and other officials visited International Roerichs Memorial Trust. Indian Curator of the IRMT Ramesh Chandra and Russian Curator Larisa Surgina who works for the Trust in the direction of the International Centre of the Roerichs (Moscow) gave the honored guests a tour around the Roerichs Estate.

Appeal of the International Center of the Roerichs about the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Sites during the Karabakh Armed Conflict 24.10.2020 Appeal of the International Center of the Roerichs about the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Sites during the Karabakh Armed Conflict

An armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh that started on 27 September 2020 has resulted in the damage and destruction of cultural property, including historic monuments. This is raising a great concern. The parties to the conflict are not the only ones to suffer losses. The above-mentioned destructions are a loss of cultural heritage, Beauty and Knowledge for the whole humanity.

Scientific conference “THE ROERICH FAMILY HERITAGE: BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND RUSSIA. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics”. INFORMATIONAL LETTER 30.09.2020 Scientific conference “THE ROERICH FAMILY HERITAGE: BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND RUSSIA. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics”. INFORMATIONAL LETTER

The International Scientific Online Conference “THE ROERICH FAMILY HERITAGE: BRIDGE BETWEEN INDIA AND RUSSIA. Marking the Centenary of the Creation of the Philosophical Teaching of Living Ethics” will be held on November 27, 2020.

A new international exhibition project   «The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture» is starting in St. Petersburg 11.08.2020 A new international exhibition project «The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture» is starting in St. Petersburg

An official opening of an exhibition of a new international cultural and educational project of the International Centre of the Roerichs: “The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture” will take place at the Architect House on August, 14th, 2020, St. Petersburg. The exhibition organizers are: The International Centre of the Roerichs (the ICR), the St. Petersburg Branch of the ICR, The St. Petersburg Union of Architects, the International Roerichs’ Heritage Protection Committee, and The Charitable Foundation named after Helena Roerich, under support of the Consulate General of India in St. Petersburg, RF.

Anton Nadtocheev. Small Victory // Version 05.08.2020 Anton Nadtocheev. Small Victory // Version

The Moscow Arbitration Court dismissed the proceedings on the application of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to declare the International Center of the Roerichs bankrupt. The process was completed through settlement by the parties.

International scientific and public conference «Philosophy of the Cosmic Reality and New Scientific Mentality. On the 100th Anniversary of the Creation of the Living Ethics». Moscow, October 8–10, 2020. INFORMATIONAL LETTER 02.06.2020 International scientific and public conference «Philosophy of the Cosmic Reality and New Scientific Mentality. On the 100th Anniversary of the Creation of the Living Ethics». Moscow, October 8–10, 2020. INFORMATIONAL LETTER

The purpose of this conference is to recognize the Living Ethics as a unique phenomenon in the world and Russian philosophical thought, to draw the attention of the scientific community to its scientific, cultural and peacemaking potential.

On April 15, 2020, the International Round Table “The Roerich Pact – Peace through Culture” was held 30.04.2020 On April 15, 2020, the International Round Table “The Roerich Pact – Peace through Culture” was held

On April 15, 2020, the International panel discussion (Round Table) on the theme of “The Roerich Pact. Peace through Culture”, dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Roerich Pact, as well as the 75th Anniversary of the Victory in the World War II and the Victory of the Soviet nation in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 as its inextricable part, was held online via interactive broadcasting.

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