Exhibition " Roerich Pact. History and Modernity " in Berlin
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On 22 of November, 2013, at the Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin was inaugurated the exhibition " Roerich Pact. History and Modernity ", arranged by the International Center of the Roerichs Centre together with the International Roerichs' Heritage Preservation Committee. The exhibition is devoted to the international Treaty "On the Protection of Artistic and Scientific Institutions and Historic Monuments" historically known as the Roerich Pact . The Maecenas of the exhibition became the Master Bank.
The exhibition includes materials covering the history of creation of the famous Peacebuilding Project by Nicholas Roerich: reproductions of the paintings by the artist dedicated to the Banner of Peace, photomaterials which draw the attention of the visitors to the urgency of protecting cultural heritage of mankind.
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Opening the exhibition, the representative of the Russian House in Berlin said: " We fully support the activities of the ICR to promote the ideas of the Roerich Pact and are ready to provide assistance and support to this project ."
Thereafter Mr Alexander Losyukov, the president of the International Roerichs' Heritage Preservation Committee was invited to have a speech. Mr Losyukov thanked the German Embassy in the Russian Federation and the Russian Embassy in Germany, for great help in organizing the exhibition. "Without preservation of culture the evolution of humanity is impossible. Expanding the space of culture, humanity reduces the potential for the occurrence of wars. Where culture lives there peace abides. The need for consolidation of International Community's efforts to protect heritage of mankind is the pivotal idea of the exhibition. Roerich managed to organize an international mass movement for the protection of cultural heritage. Inexhaustible faith in the power of culture, enthusiasm and courage allowed him to draw thousands of people around the world to this movement. However, the complicated international situation has prevented the adoption of the Treaty in Europe, and irrevocable loss of cultural treasures occurred. Germany during the war, along with other countries lost priceless treasures - just remember the ruined museum-city of Dresden. Mankind has paid the heaviest price for failing to heed to the appeal of the outstanding figure of world culture. Years after the war the conclusions were made concerning the disaster, which resulted in signing international agreement, Hague Convention in 1954. Since then, a lot of positive things have been done within the framework of the UNO. However, despite the impressive package of documents, there is still an urgent need to continue the struggle for the preservation of cultural objects. Treaty's clauses, which offer broader measures to protect culture, have not still lost their relevance. Even in the XXI century, we have witnessed significant losses of the world cultural monuments - Afghanistan , Iraq, Syria , Egypt , and other places – thousands of cultural objects were ruthlessly destroyed there. Also in a time of peace human ignorance, greed, mass culture and indifference lead to the destruction of great heritage, accumulated for centuries. Wise Goethe said: " Nothing is more horrific than ignorance in action". Anticipating the growth of this trend, Roerich proposed the idea of the protection of cultural heritage from vandalism and ignorance also in peace time. The ICR for a long time popularizes ideas of the Treaty. In 2015 will be the 80th anniversary of the Roerich Pact, and on the eve of the anniversary exhibitions have been held in different countries. While preparing this exhibition, we have made every effort and paid particular attention to make sure that the German audience will get interested in its content . Germany is a land of thinkers and poets, it presented the world geniuses of the human spirit, whose names are included in the treasury of world culture. Nicholas Roerich met with Germany still in his adoloscence: he participated in exhibitions held in Munich and Berlin, studied the works of Wagner, Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven and other representatives of German culture".
Victor V. Frolov, Deputy Director General of the museum by name of N.K.Roerich for scientific work turned the attention of numerous guests of the exhibition on the systemic collapse of humanity, the cause of which is to be incorrectly sought in the field of economy. However the underlying reason is that humanity deviated from the culture. Culture is the subtle energy contained in the architectural monuments, oeuvres etc that is essential for everyone. When people are approaching culture closer they become spiritually and energetically stronger. Victor Frolov invited guests of the exhibition to a preview of the film "Call of cosmic evolution" and set of lectures about Nicholas Roerich.
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Ms. Galina Schneider, Chairperson of the Roerichs society in Germany arrived for the exhibition opening from North Westphalia. She stated that this is the second exhibition in Berlin which is far superior to its predecessor. She congratulated guests and organizers with the prominent event and expressed readiness of the society members to introduce the humanistic ideas of the Roerichs family to the German community.
For several years Mrs Leylya Strobl, Chairperson of the Austrian Roerich Society and Roerich Pact Committee is closely cooperating with the International Centre of the Roerichs in popularization of the humanistic ideas of Nicholas Roerich on the territory of German-speaking countries. She embarked upon a work with her colleagues in Vienna where they internationally presented these ideas in the UN office engaging the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said Mrs. Strobl. - We have already got positive replies from some Berlin Universities, particularly the Humboldt University of Berlin along with a number of research institutes. We have also got in touch with cultural heritage experts and decided to conduct negotiations on their joint activity. Unfortunately nowadays culture is regarded from the consumer's standpoint, it is being expended. This approach is inherent of the younger generation that's why our duty is to demonstrate the culture's ideas, the ideas of intensive cultural development using the great projects like the present one started up in the Russian House".
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Before observing an exhibition, the Banner of Peace, a distinctive flag of the Roerich Pact was donated to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation represented by its President Professor Günther Schauerte. Mr. Losyukov said :"Let this Banner of Peace preserve the Prussian cultural heritage" when giving it to the honored guest.
Hereafter the lecture session passed off under the auspices of the exhibition program with an opening speech of Victor V.Frolov about "Nicholas Roerich conception of Culture". Irina Y. Dyachenko – ICR Senior Researcher - delivered two reports entitled "Relevance and possibilities of the Roerich Pact" and "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Nicholas K. Roerich are great figures of the world culture. Parallels in the oeuvre". After it the audience was able to study Nicholas Roerich sketch " Goethe" (1931) which was previously translated into German. The sketch aroused big interest of the representatives of the German society.
Eduard A. Tomsha, Chairman of the Saint-Petersburg Branch of the International Centre of the Roerichs and RF Concert Workers Union member delivered a message on the following topic: "R.Wagner and N.K.Roerich are great figures of the world culture. Parallels in the oeuvre" where he analysed the consonance in creative work and world view of two titans of thought and giants of spiritual strength.
All presentations sparked a huge interest of the audience which sincerely thanked all the lecturers, asked many questions and exchanged different views. "You do the important work, -one of the guests said, - evil is aggressive and dynamic, whereas good is a route we should follow. Reminding of something fine is a noble cause on its own accord".
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