Exhibition of paintings "AFTERGLOW" by artist Harsh Inder Loomba
The solo art exhibition "AFTERGLOW" of paintings by Indian artist Harsh Inder Loomba opened on October 9, 2022, on the Nicholas Roerich's Birthday at the Exhibition Hall of the International Roerichs Memorial Trust in Naggar, Kullu, HP. This striking event took place within the framework of the Indo-Russian Roerich Festival of Culture at the Roerichs' Memorial Estate.
Opening of the First Monument of George Roerich in India at the International Roerich Memorial Trust
The opening of the bronze bust of George Roerich on the grounds of the Roerichs Estate Museum in Naggar was one of the most solemn event of the October Cultural Festival in the IRMT. This significant event took place on October 9, the birthday of the great Russian artist Nicholas Roerich. "How George is needed," Nicholas Roerich wrote of his eldest son, "an Indologist, a Sanskritist, a Tibetologist and a Mongolist, who not only deeply studied the sources, but also spoke languages – an unprecedented combination, so necessary when the importance of Asia has risen". The monument to George Roerich was opened next to the memorial building of the Institute of Himalayan Studies "Urusvati", of which he was the permanent director and one of the founders.
October Indo-Russian Cultural Festival in the Roerichs' Estate in Naggar
The first half of October was marked by the bright events in the International Roerich Memorial Trust. The traditional Russian-Indian Festival of Culture gathered many guests from different countries at the Roerichs’ Estate. This year the Festival was dedicated to the three great dates: the 75-th Anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Russia and India; the 120-th Birth Anniversary of George Roerich and the 30-th Anniversary of the International Roerich Memorial Trust in Naggar. The Festival's main guest was Mr. Denis Alipov, Russian Ambassador to India, Vice President of the IRMT. Among the honoured guests of the Festival were the representatives of the Kullu district administration, the members of the Trustees Board of the International Roerich Memorial Trust, the delegation from the International Centre of the Roerichs (Moscow) as well as scientists, researchers, journalists, artists, numerous admirers and followers of the great Russian family.
Exhibition “Divine Strokes” at the Roerichs Estate
On September 16–18, the International Roerichs Memorial Trust hosted an exhibition of Indian paintings, organized by the “We” Art Group (Chandigarh, India) and headed by Sadna Sangar, a renowned artist, long-time friend of the IRMT. Eminent poet and art critic Sri Prayag Shukla was the Chief guest of the exhibition. Indian and Russian curators of the Roerich Trust, Suresh Kumar and Larisa Surgina, welcomed the audience.
Indian Art Exhibition in the International Roerich Memorial Trust
On August 21–23 in the IRMT Exhibition Hall there was an Art exhibition of the group of Indian artists headed by Sikander Jangra from Delhi. Regional Transport Officer from Kullu Mrs Phoola Kumari, Indian IRMT Curator Mr Suresh Kumar Nadda, Russian Curator’s assistant Mr Dmitry M.Surgin, guests and visitors of the Roerichs’ Estate, the team of the Roerich Trust took part in the ceremonial opening of the Exhibition.
The German Roerich Society presents the video “Banner of Peace – Red Cross of Culture”
The German Roerich Society presents the video “Banner of Peace – Red Cross of Culture” This film takes us back to the 20th century and reminds us of important historical events. The year 2022 marks the 90th anniversary of the Second International Conference in Support of the Roerich Pact, which was held in Bruges, Belgium, 7–9 August 1932.
George Roerich’s Birthday in the International Roerich Memorial Trust
George Roerich studied Buddhism thoroughly, comprehending that Knowledge which Buddha had brought for the humanity two and a half thousand years ago. That’s why in the Roerich Trust there has been established a good tradition to observe the scientist’s birthday along with representatives of Buddhism, arranging exhibitions of the Buddhist art. This year for the exhibitions in the Conference-hall there have been presented the works from the IRMT Modern Art collection. Among the exhibits there were the reproductions of the thangkas which were gifted to the Roerich Trust in 2016 by their authors, the masters of Tibetan art Sarika Singh and Master Locho from Dharamsala.
Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of “Studio Seven” in the IRMT
On June 26, 2022 the solemn inauguration of painting and sculpture exhibition by modern Indian artists of the “Studio Seven” took place in the International Roerich Memorial Trust. This time seven artists presented their paintings for viewers’ verdict: Suresh Kumar (also the exhibition curator), Ishwar Dayal, Shuchi Kalra Bhudhiraja, Alphee Kumar, Prasanth A.V., Pratibha Awasthi, Sushma Yadav.
Painting Exhibition “Tuning of Nature” by the Punjab Artists Group
From June 18 to 21, 2022 the group painting exhibition by the artists from Indian state Punjab took place in the Modern Art Exhibition Hall of the International Roerich Memorial Trust. Four artists participated in the exhibition: Manprit Kaur (Ludhiana), Harsha Verdhan (Jalandhar), Naveen Kumar (Hoshiarpur), and Babita (Jalandhar). About seventy paintings were presented in the exhibition, whose leading idea was love for nature. Himachal landscapes captured in different seasons and made mainly in the “wet water-colour” technique conquered the exhibition guests by soft colour fusions, airy depth of the space and by conveying a special atmosphere peculiar to Himalayan slopes and valleys.
Painting Exhibition by Artist Sikander Jangra and His Colleagues in the IRMT – a Mirror of the Modern Tendencies in Indian Art
On June, 22, 2022 in the Exhibition Hall of the IRMT there was an opening of another group exhibition of Indian modern artworks. The paintings of eighteen artists were presented at the exhibition organized under the guidance of the curator – artist Sikander Jangra from Delhi.
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